Just launched the full length video about NASCAR driver Tayler Malsam that we've been working on over the past few months.
We started last November by going down to Charlotte and shooting Tayler working with his crew at the Randy Moss Motorsports garage.

Then we flew down to Miami - met up with our boy Stebs - and shot race footage at Homestead. Plus more interviews and B-roll on the beach.

We went out to Vegas in December and shot the last round of interviews.
Came home and started working on editing, the script and narration.

My boy Marc Chester handled the score. Here he is making some last minute changes in Logic over lunch.

We also just re-designed and re-programmed Tayler's site from scratch. Check it out.
Anyway, here's the finished product. The goal for the video was to simply introduce Tayler and begin to tell his story. We watched a lot of the HBO's 24/7 series and tried to approach it much more like a sports documentary versus simply another 'web video'. We're really happy with how it turned out and it's leading to a lot of other sports video opportunities for us. Stay tuned.