Couldn't make the Lakers/Suns game that night so I offloaded the tickets via Craigslist at the last minute. Of course the game went to triple OT - I should've known. A few years back Matt called and asked if I wanted to go to a Lakers/Raptors game. The Raptors are always so bad - I just laughed at him. Matt went and that happened to be the night Kobe dropped 81. It's like I'm cursed.
Booked a flight to D.C. for next month. Let's hope the snow's melted before I get there.
Up at dawn and Matt and Ryan and I went up to Pasadena to go hear Gary Vaynerchuk drop some social media wisdom.
(If you haven't already, watch this video. Trust me)

Part of the same speaker series as the Seth Godin event I went to recently. Only this time the room was way smaller, only about 40 people or so. And we were, by far, the youngest people in the room. No big deal.

Dude is a very engaging and energetic speaker. Also knows what he's talking about. This guy is the truth.

All about the humanization of business and ROI on social media. What he preaches seems like common sense until you realize how many businesses are grossly abusing/misusing Twitter and Facebook.
Finished up the initial branding for a new company we're helping Ryan start up. Ry booked us tickets for Denver in July. Started working with Spellman on the framework behind our upcoming 4th Annual NBA Super Bracket for next month. Stay tuned.