Tax time.
Matt and I tried to get organized for a couple hours today and crunched some numbers before the meeting with our accountant tomorrow (What's up Juan?). This is like the one time a year that we have to show a real adult what we've been doing with our lives and exactly how we've subsequently managed to blow the earnings.
Today we discovered we could print a really legit 18-page year-end account summary courtesy of our American Express Plum Card. Here are some highlights. You don't want to see the corresponding amounts - trust me, I don't even want to look at those figures.

Spent a sick amount of money on Lakers tickets. We didn't even go to that many games.
Confession: I have a Netflix account and in the entire last year I've only ever been sent 2 DVDs (Slumdog Millionaire and Benjamin Button). I've yet to get around to watching and returning either one. When people find out about this they tend to get unnecessarily upset and then they try to explain to me how Netflix is 'supposed to work'. Hey, I had a busy year last year - give me a break. I try to make people feel better by telling them "besides 'the company' pays for my subscription". They're generally not amused. Neither is Matt for that matter.

0484 Fine Dining Guide

The 'Lodging' section is almost all Vegas. Honestly, it's almost all South Point.
If we had more time, which we definitely do not, I've been wanting to take some of this info and make a sort of informal 'Annual Report' out of it. There's a dude in New York - Nicholas Felton - who started making these sarcastic, amusing Annual Reports based on his life a few years back. He happens to be a very talented 'infographic' designer. People really ate those things up and now he does Information Graphics work for all the major newspapers and magazines. Anyway, the 0484REPORT is on its way. Someday.