

This skinny kid from Detroit is legit.

To be honest, I don't like most new rappers but this kid has a unique flow and a very authentic feel about him.

This video - shot by some guys who call themselves 'The Work' - is really well done. All the backstage/behind-the-scenes footage feels really genuine and there's a lot of really nice moments captured. They're using this sort of blown out cross-processed effect on all the exterior Detroit landscape shots - normally I think effects like that come off as cheesy but it's used here to evoke a really nostalgic mood and I think it works. These types of videos make me want to make more videos.

Speaking of Detroit, did you hear about that guy who works for Chrysler's ad agency who got fired for the tweet he sent from the corporate Chrysler Twitter account?

"I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the #motorcity and yet no one here knows how to fucking drive"

I thought it was funny but he lost his job and then his agency subsequently lost the Chrysler account altogether. Come on man, whose job is it to tweet for a living and they get fired for it? It'd be one thing to send that from his personal account but you can't write that on behalf of Chrysler. (#commonsense)

Anyway, here are a few songs with Big Sean features including the brand new All of the Lights Remix, enjoy.