I got sick last week.
Which explains the relative lack of updates on this blog and also possibly - if you're a client of ours - on whatever project it is that we're working on for you. Don't panic though, because I've started eating some fruit and if that doesn't kill me then I may even consider adding a vegetable or two to my usual routine.
Anyway, I'll be back to posting pictures of sneakers and newly leaked rap songs and such soon but in the meantime, if you're bored, check out this blog. It's what I read last week in between Nyquil and Jamba Juices.
It's written by Jonah Lehrer, a Contributing Editor at WIRED, and it mainly takes neuroscience and brain-related studies and breaks down their conclusions into easy to understand regular human terms. Really interesting and super well written. Jonah happens to be, by many accounts, one of the most talented and compelling, young, non-fiction writers in the country. He's written a couple super popular books and for The New Yorker and The NY Times Magazine etc. Most importantly, he also happens to be a client of ours.
Check him out - his article about a geological statistician who devised a way to hack Lottery Scratchers was amazing. I love weird scams like this.
P.S. When you all mail in your 'Get Well' cards this week, remember to please make the checks payable to: 0484CREATIVE. Thanks :)