Matt and I hit the boardwalk in Long Beach on Saturday morning for a bike ride. Didn't know that we rode bikes, did you? We actually don't - it was a goodwill thing for our boy Petra. Get well soon buddy.
Bought these on Amazon last week - and we were excited about it too. (We're such nerds sometimes)
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Pleased to say that Maker Studios is our newest client. Just started a web design project with them. First meeting was today at one of their offices in Culver City. If you've never heard of Maker you can check out this article about them from the New York Times. #nobigdeal
They have a very cool, young, tech, start-up type vibe going which I really like. Feels real The Social Network-ish.
Randy Moss Motorsports hit us up a few weeks ago and we put together these 'Hero Cards' for their new driver Todd Bodine. Super quick turnaround time but we managed to get these designed, printed and shipped to the racetrack in just a few days. I've caught myself paying more and more attention to NASCAR highlights on Sportscenter recently - it's really quite scary how avid a fan I'm becoming.