A couple weeks ago I threw Matt a little bachelor party.

About 12 of us went down to Dana Point for the weekend. Here are the photos and details that I'm allowed to divulge publicly:

My intent from the start was to throw a once-in-a-lifetime type of event. I told everyone to tell their girlfriend's that they'd be home Sunday and to turn off their phones for the weekend.

Needless to say, we will not be going back to this PF Changs anytime soon. Kids: Don't try this at home - those statues are actually way less solid than they appear.

Four of these guys have Engineering degrees. Still took us over an hour to put the volleyball net up. #nokidding

Anyway, all went well. Perfect mix of fun and sketchyness - which, as you know, is what all good memories are made of.

P.S. Ryan's bachelor party starts this Friday. In Vegas.
Stay tuned.