We stopped by Huntington Beach for the US Open of Surfing. Packed with people but we had a good time.

Copped a 5D about a month ago. You might think Ryan's photo/video wishlist would be dwindling by now but you'd be surprised...

Stopped by the races in Del Mar recently. Races themselves were whatevs but the funnel cake did not disappoint.

A shot from Ryan's birthday dinner at PF Chang's awhile back.

Headed downtown for some meetings last week.

Stopped by The ID Agency office and saw my boy John's Lincoln MKX project car parked outside.

John worked on this car awhile back along with James Bond from Undftd and it ended up making the cover of DUB magazine.

Shot of Robert and Mark at BJ's a couple weeks ago. We had a little going away thing for Mark who just left for Vanderbilt Law - no big deal.

Matt's new wetsuit came in the mail along with a few other things recently. Ryan shot a wedding awhile back for a girl who works at Quiksilver. She was nice enough to throw us a discount code and we did not let it go to waste.