Went out to Vegas over the weekend for Ryan's bachelor party.
Brought some snacks, The R.E.D. Album, The Carter IV and a playlist I made especially for Ryan with all of Nicki Minaj's hits (he's a big fan).
Stayed at The South Point aka Vegas' best kept secret. We first hit this hotel a few years back, right when it opened, and for whatever reason it sort of just stuck. Now it feels like a second home. Anyway, we got a huge suite for the weekend and it was perfect - good work Shane.
Hit Capriotti's for lunch and then PF Chang's - of course - for dinner.

Raced some go karts on Saturday at this place called Fast Lap right off the strip. Had a good time. Ryan qualified first for the 'big race' but Matt actually ended up winning.

Ryan has some interesting friends. This is his boy Paul. All I really know about him is that he used to work at William Morris and that he recently found this chicken suit somewhere in San Francisco. Cool guy though. Anyway, I figure this will probably end up being this year's 0484 Christmas Card.

Anyway, good trip despite the fact that it was 105ยบ outside most of the time. Ryan had a good time and we still managed to bring him back home in one piece so everyone's happy. Bachelor parties are officially wrapped - for awhile - so now it's just time to hit the weddings.