Few more images and another video from the Recaro shoot we did with The ID Agency.

So, we shot behind the scenes stuff all day and helped out with production. That bomb detonator looking box in my hands is actually the controller for the giant turntable that the car was on.

So, I laughed at Matt when they made him dress as a racecar driver but an hour later they made me suit up too. Karma, right? (I realize this photo appears a bit odd out of context; between shots we were having an in depth conversation about haircuts)

With our boy Tim who runs Barton Perreira in his free time and directed the spot below.
So, here's one of the official spots that launched on all the big pregnancy magazine websites (which I'm sure you guys all read regularly). Besides our compelling performances as racecar guys, we also designed the ProSERIES logo that pops up at the 0:25 mark. Enjoy.