Shot all the Fall '11 denim for the new Iron Horse Jeans catalogs the other day.
It's the new year and everybody, including myself, wants to know what's next?
We had a pretty remarkable 2010 so I honestly feel like this next year has a lot to live up to. We're in a sort of unique situation in that we, more or less, dictate what's next for ourselves and for this tiny little company that we're trying to slowly grow.
At the same time, so much of what happens to us is dependent upon the whims, fortunes and plans of all of the clients and agencies we work with.
Last year was busier and more hectic than ever. In the last 2 weeks, where the pace of emails, meetings and conference calls have slowed to a crawl, I've spent a lot of time thinking about where Matt and I want to steer this thing next and what projects, goals and trips we want to make a priority in the near future.
The thing I've realized recently that I know I'm most sure of is that I hate it when it's slow. I was ready to get back to the chaos on the 26th and it's felt disjointed the past week waiting for the usual frenzied pace of things to return. It's not enough to be busy; I think we're at our best when we're ridiculously swamped. We became so accustomed to handling 20 things at once that working on 10 feels insufficient.
So, not matter what happens in '11 and I feel like we've got some good stuff in the works, I'm hoping it comes at a seemingly uncontrollable and overwhelming pace. I hope that it inundates our schedules and makes us re-think and question what we're in fact even capable of. I realize now that that's the pace we enjoy most and it seems to be when we're at our best.

First things first: getting this jeans catalog to press in the next 24 hours.
2011. Let's go.