Holiday card time.

Red foil-lined envelopes

Hand stamped logos across the seals. Yeah, we take this greeting card game real seriously.

Matt and I aren't on Facebook so we've had to resort to this archaic process of communicating with friends and acquaintances. The front design is an outtake from a photoshoot we did in Las Vegas in August. Below are the top 3 questions about this year's card - courtesy of my grandparents, who I regrettably gave one to, over the weekend.
1. Who is this girl sitting next to you on the couch?
Nikki, a model from Vegas.
2. Why isn't she wearing any pants?
She's wearing shorts. I promise.
3. Why do you and Matt look so mad?
We weren't mad. That's just how we always look.
Anyway, twentysome cards down. About 60 more, or so, to go...