Couple months ago we helped produce a little online kid's car seat video.

Our boys over at The ID Agency had us do some of the pre-production work as well as put together a behind-the-scenes video about the project.

This was for the child seat division of Recaro. Recaro is a big multinational seat manufacturer - they make seats for basically everything; racecars, sportscars, Cadillacs, airplanes, etc. Anyway, they use all their collective seat making wisdom to make some super safe baby seats and for the past couple years The ID Agency has had us help with their print and online ad campaigns.

We shot this over at a soundstage at South Bay Studios in Long Beach.

Halfway through the day we found out that the actor who was cast to be the Racecar driver wasn't going to be able to make it. They asked Matt to fill in. That pretty much made my day. There are few things more enjoyable for me than getting to watch others force Matt into awkward situations.

Anyway, here's the Behind-the-Scenes video that we shot and put together. Enjoy.
Full disclosure: This edit features a Corinne Bailey Rae song which we weren't licensed to use. The actual final version that got distributed and played online had some original music in it instead, but I felt partial to this version personally and since no one reads our blog I figured it won't really matter.