I'm heading back East for a few days.
I read this in an e-mail Chris Guillebeau sent yesterday:
"It's always fun to go on vacation as a self-employed person, because a) you still have to work, and b) no one thinks you do any work to begin with. So then when you go on vacation, they say, 'Oh, must be nice that you don't have a job and can do that.' Meanwhile on vacation I work six hours a day instead of ten. But it's all good."
Sums up the situation pretty well.

P.S. Yesterday was May Day, and everyone was extra hyped this year, so I read, because of that new crazy law out in Arizona. (The heat must really get to people out there - remember awhile back when those protesters brought assault rifles to the Obama rally as a means of "exercising" their right to openly carry firearms? It's really amazing the amount of time some people have on their hands...)
Anyway, the point I want to make is that 0484 is totally pro-immigrant. We're all about immigrants. Everyone out there who is trying to live the dream - more power to you - by any means necessary. Don't let those guys out in AZ sweat you - they're just mad they don't live in Cali. That's the truth.
I'd love to go on about this in more detail but I've got a plane to catch.