Rest of the DC pics.

Stayed with my boy Ruchir at his place near Washington Circle.
Ruchir just finished his 3rd year at George Washington Med School. Basically that means that just few years from now he should be well on his way to discovering the cure for cancer. (I'm not really joking)

Played tennis out in Mount Vernon every afternoon - except the last day of my trip when it rained and we had to play indoors inside this giant outerspace-like dome (which only cost a small fortune).

And on the off chance that Ruchir fails to revolutionize modern medicine, his family's legacy can always fall back on

Caught dinner at this place Vapiano one night. The pasta was subpar but the pizza was decent.

The only truly redeemable quality about this place was that they had gummy bears at the hostess desk.

I really had already done most of the touristy DC stuff all before but I did manage to stop by Newseum.

Watched a little 3D movie about the history of news.

On my way to Dulles, we stopped by California Tortilla - basically an East Coast Mexican place that they would have you believe has West Coast roots. Food was pretty good though either way.