Few photos from the trip.

0484 NYC office. Not a bad little set up - as far as overpriced, miniature Manhattan hotel rooms go.

Had this tiny new Powershot shipped to the hotel. Theoretically this should mean that soon the blog should be virtually rid of all grainy cam phone photos but I'm not making any promises.

First things first. You already know what it is.

Went by MOMA. Cooper Hewitt was under some type of renovation and apparently the Guggenheim is closed Thursdays, but this place was pretty legit as far as third choice museums are concerned.

Warhol soup. Not sure who this kid in the purple was. (I think I generally pay more attention to random intruders when I'm taking pictures but I'm going to blame this one on me getting used to the new cam)

They had this weird Eastern European "performance artist" there who basically just sat in this chair all day. It's hard for me to describe how uncool I really find these types of gags that people come up with and masquerade as art. This is not art - this is a mockery of art. I'm not sure if I'm more disappointed with her, the people who killed their day watching her or folks at MOMA who let her in the building in the first place.

Since you have to walk to get everywhere in the city anyway, you might as well keep your eyes peeled for some interesting graffiti.

And finally, the original Shake Shack in Madison Square Park. Not really sure how to describe this place because I still don't understand it myself. It's basically In-N-Out with a slightly larger menu and better shakes. The only confusing part is why there's a perpetual hour long line at this place all day, every day. For real - their site has a webcam which shows the current length of the line so you can plan your visit accordingly. Whatever, good for you Shake Shack, keep doing your thing.
Anyway, it was a good few days in the city. Weather was good - felt like Southern California - you can't beat that.