

Found a couple things online yesterday that I thought you guys might like.

The first is an e-book called What Matters Now. Conceived by Seth Godin, the book is a compilation of short essays from 70 prominent authors and cultural figures. Each entry focuses on an idea to think about for the new year.

Download the 80 page PDF here. It's free. Merry Christmas.

The second is a new song from Lil Wayne's forthcoming album
Rebirth (which Amazon apparently released by accident on Monday). Drop the World isn't my favorite song from Weezy F. Baby, but the Eminem cameo is superb.

Download the MP3 here. Happy Hanukkah.

Speaking of Em, the tracks he released this week from Relapse:Refill were solid as well - so glad that guy put down the Ambien and got back in the recording studio.

Anyway, I figured most of you kids would be interested in at least one of the two. Enjoy.