

Matt and I didn't go to the Lakers game tonight.

Two months ago we looked at the schedule and tried to choose all of the teams we wanted to go watch this year. I suggested Miami so we could see Kobe and Wade go at each other. But Matt pointed out that the Heat were 'garbage' and laughed at me.

So instead, we bought tickets to watch a 55-year-old Jewish former sitcom star tell jokes in San Diego tonight (okay, it was Jerry Seinfeld - and yeah, it was hilarious - that's not the point).

This is what we missed.

Luckily I had Matt Tivo the game, which we watched tonight back at his house. Except the recording ran out exactly 1 possession short of the end of the game - so we missed seeing Kobe's buzzer beater in person AND on TV.

I think this is when the kids on Facebook would say 'FML'.