

Drove out to Hollywood the other day.

Met up with a bunch of kids from Film school for a little informal reunion.

Couple cool vacant retail spaces on Sunset.

Afterwards I walked over to the new Hennessey + Ingalls on Cahuenga.

I'm not featured in this book. I checked.

Picked up a couple things.

This one is interesting - whole book is a Q+A with Charles Saatchi. Besides starting the largest ad agency on the planet, Saatchi & Saatchi, Chuck is also one of the single largest art collectors in history. He owns The Saatchi Gallery for Contemporary Art in London and is one of the most influential people the art world has ever seen. He can walk into an opening of an unknown up-and-comer, buy every piece on display and make someone's career in an instant.

From what I've read so far, that is roughly what happened at Jeff Koons' first exhibition in '85 and his is just one of the careers significantly impacted by Saatchi's support. Apparently Saatchi is also a notorious recluse who largely refuses to be interviewed, so this book is something art geeks have been looking forward to for awhile.