

This what the future of the internet looks like (supposedly).

A few years back, Lars and Jens Rasmussen, brothers from Denmark, were broke and unknown before they sold an idea to Google and helped develop a little application called Google Maps.

Google Wave is Lars and Jens' second project. There's been a ton of hype about Wave. Some people say it's 'the future'. Lars and Jens' say it will 'kill e-mail'. From what I understand, it's a more advanced form of e-mail that basically combines traditional e-mail, chats, e-vites, and project collaboration software all into one.

Anyway, Google recently started to preview and test Wave on an invite-only basis. Matt and I snagged invites fairly early - I've been meaning to post this for a couple months - but we've been sort of busy recently and haven't had too much time to dig into Wave and mess with it ourselves.

One problem is that when we first signed up, no one else that we knew had Wave yet, so Matt and I could only correspond with each other. However a few people are starting to trickle in and we now have a few dozen invitations to give away. So, if you have some time on your hands (and I think we can all agree that anyone reading this blog surely has plenty of free time) and want to test out Google Wave yourself, let us know and we'll send you an invitation.

I'm not sure, but you may need to have a Gmail account (which are free and easy to obtain) to sign up for Wave. But it's almost 2010, so if you aren't already using Gmail by now, then you shouldn't bother with Wave because I'd bet that you also probably still pedal your car with your bare feet and your best friend is Barney Rubble, who isn't on Wave either, so what would be the point?

E-mail us at whatsup@0484creative.com to request a Wave invite.
While supplies last :)