Got a phone call from Mark Cernicky from Cycle World last Thursday.
The next morning Matt and I met up with him at MotoGP rider Nicky Hayden's Orange County home. Nicky came back from an early morning workout and pulled up in a brand new black Ferrari and then it was on.

Nicky's race worn 2012 uniform.

Cernicky started the interview off in Nicky's garage.

That's actually his own custom Specialized bike - just one of Nicky's many endorsements.

Shot some b-roll around his crib. We first filmed with Nicky up at Laguna Seca a couple years ago with The ID Agency and Ducati. Dude has always reminded me of Jason Williams from the NBA - I think it's the Southern accent and the sort of irreverent charm.

We shot the rest of the interview out by the pool. Nicky and Cernicky have known each other forever so the vibe was really chill and they just talked a bunch of nonsense about bikes and races and tracks all over the world. They talk about specific corners of certain racetracks the way golf pros talk about holes on particular courses.

Dude was laced - Diesel, Ducati, Puma, Tissot, Oakleys, so many endorsement deals. Tough life :)

Shooting some backyard hoops, post interview. At one point one of Nicky's errant rebounds bounced into our bag of camera gear and sent some our Micro SD memory cards flying. He's a MotoGP champ - we told him it was no big deal.

One last behind the scenes shot. Don't be surprised if you see Matt and I pop up on the kid's Instagram account one of these days.
Shout out to Cernicky for bringing us out and to
Nicky, of course, for having us over.