

This is the story behind the biggest crash of 2012.

Back in August, we were out at the Pikes Peak Hill Climb in Colorado filming for Ducati and The ID Agency. But the event features a lot more than just bikes and on raceday there were a ton of car crashes - none more horrific than Jeremy Foley and Yuri Kuznetsov's Mitsubishi Evo flying off the side of the mountain. The fan footage of the crash in action is unbelievably violent but the fact that both Jeremy and Yuri walked away from the crash is what made their story truly incredible.

In the aftermath of Pikes, Jeremy and Yuri went on an incredible press tour including stops on all the major networks. In September, Matt and I flew down to Dallas along with Jennifer from ID and we sat down with Jeremy, Yuri and Kevin Dubois, the car's builder, to get the full story.

We had one full day at the Evolution Dynamics garage and Matt and I managed to film everything from complete coverage of what remains of the wrecked car to hour long interviews with each of the 3 guys - all on behalf of automotive seat maker Recaro.

In November, Recaro threw a special event for the LA Auto Show where the video was unveiled in front of a crowd that included Recaro drivers Ken Block, Tanner Foust and Bucky Lasek. Check out coverage of the event on ID's blog.

Anyway, if you've got 3 minutes to spare, check it out - it's snagged over 75K YouTube views in it's first month for Recaro - not bad :)

Much more to come in 2K13. P.S. Shout out to all the Nicky Hayden fans who discovered us last week after his tweet.