It's been a busy couple months.
There was a time when I updated this blog a few times a week. Recently we got sort of busy and the blogging fell off a bit. Don't panic. Nobizplan is back. Trust me.
Alright, so, some stuff we've been up to... We bought a waterproof housing for one of our 7D's. It was pretty insanely expensive and we'll most likely hardly ever use it but you never know - maybe we'll do some scuba vids soon.

Here's a sample test shot - Matt and Ryan took it out up at Jalama Beach recently.

Shot a few videos for Magellan along with the ID Agency. This was from a shoot for one of their GPS Fitness watches.

We filmed a guy from their product team doing everything from trail and track running to mountain biking. Matt threw some cool motion graphics over the top of this video and it came out pretty nicely - I'm sure I'll post it up here someday soon.

Then we shot another spot for one of Magellan's trucking GPS navigation units. We cast our boy Jordan Warren as the driver and got to film in this 18-wheel semi truck all over Long Beach.

Just filmed an interview and some concert stuff down in San Diego with this band Milo Greene. They were cool, very laid back. They actually just performed on The Tonight Show last week and said that Jay was really humble and cool with them. They sing
stuff like this and a lot of their songs pop up on TV on Gray's Anatomy and places like that.

Most importantly, these showed up last week - courtesy of Undefeated's Cyber Monday sale. Missoni x Converse Chuck Taylor collabs.

Anyway, like I said, Nobizplan is back so check back soon. In fact, to celebrate, Kanye just dropped the best remix of the year. Download the 'Ye and Rihanna "Diamonds" remix
here. Enjoy.