Went out and filmed the HotWheels Double Loop Dare at XGames last week.
We're putting together a little video for Recaro for the The ID Agency.

Ryan and I went to Mattel HQ over in El Segundo on Friday for a little pre-stunt press junket type of thing. We got to tour the Mattel offices and learn all sorts of HotWheels secrets. We saw how all the toys are developed and tested and stuff.

We did interviews with both drivers. Got to catch up with the big homie Greg Tracy and chat about the wildfires in Colorado that postponed Pikes Peak are were wreaking havoc on both our Summer schedules.

Met Tanner Foust for the first time - super chill dude, great to work with.

Anyway on Saturday, Matt and Shane and I got up at dawn and made the trek up to Downtown LA.

The place was packed with XGames athletes and fans and camera crews and stuff.
We got all our cameras in place and just waited for the whole thing to go down. The stunt was no joke - the loop was a World Record 6-stories tall and everything was broadcast live on ABC.

Of course Greg and Tanner made it look easy and everything went off without a hitch.

After the stunt was wrapped, security actually let us up onto the loop. Matt and Shane grabbed some cool b-roll shots while I snapped photos for

Anyway, very cool project - it was nice to go out and film at the XGames. Our recap vid should be done in a couple weeks. Until then, just wait on the edge of your seats, thanks.