

Couple weeks ago I mentioned we did some filming up in Sactown.

Happy to report that the video is now live - check it out below. We worked with Shriners and the team at Leo Burnett Business New York on this. So, we shot all the b-roll for this piece - meaning not the footage of the main lady, Carrie, talking - but everything else. All the little 1-second clips in the middle of the vid are all us.

Anyway, it's only about 2 minutes long, check it out.

Really like working with Shriners - they're doing a lot of amazing things everyday. We got to be really up close and personal with a lot of these patients and their families. And even though it can be really emotional, the vibe at the hospital is super positive and everyone is just really appreciative of the amazing care that the Shriners provide.

Thanks to Fabiana, Nik, Noel, Petra and Ryan for helping to make it happen.

P.S. There's another really well done, new, short 30-second Shriners spot here - we had nothing to do with this one but it's pretty cool.