

A couple weeks ago we went out to E3 in LA.

We worked with The ID Agency for Microsoft and Forza Horizon.

It was a crazy set up - they had a bunch of exotic cars on display and were also giving free rides out to a few lucky E3 attendees.

E3 is such a weird event and draws a really random crowd. On my way to grab lunch on Tuesday I ran into Mayor Villaraigosa. On Wednesday, iJustine stopped by the booth and took a ride in one of the Forza Ferraris. No one really recognized her at the time but I saw her on TV later and looked her up and realized that she has an unbelievable amount of YouTube views (360+ mil).

Anyway, the game drops in October so keep an eye out if you're into that sort of thing. Shout out to Victor, John, Brandon and Christian from ID. Thanks to Petra who shot all day Wednesday for us while we were actually filming down in Long Beach. Also you can check out the sick teaser vid with all the cars that ID put together for the whole setup here.

Anyway, obviously hanging out and taking photos all day was tough, but you know, somebody had to do it.