Our boys from The ID Agency and SA Studios threw the Sanctiond event in LA last week.
Naturally Matt and I stopped by to raid all the free food trucks.

Sanctiond is Cartoon's new line of car care products. To help launch the brand, Cartoon opened up the doors to his compound and showed off everything from his private collection of lowriders to his super exclusive tattoo studio.

One of the cool thing's about his studio is that it's filled with old school imagery of everyone getting inked. Young Eminem, 50 Cent's massive back piece, Snoop's Nate Dogg portrait, Christina Aguilera's lower back tatt, etc.

Anyway, awesome event, great turn out. They even had a Lowrider Hop Off which was pretty cool. (As you guys know, Matt and I never miss a good Hop Off)

All these images courtesy of John P from ID. Check his Fatlace blog for the full recap.
Also some coverage over on the Crooks and Castles blog - besides including shots of the body painted gogo dancers, theres a photo of yours truly standing around inside a garage next to a blue pinstriped lowrider.