The new Formula Drift season kicked off in Long Beach a few days ago.
Our boys at The ID Agency have been handling all the marketing for FD for years. As of a couple months ago, they brought us on board to help handle everything related to the Formula Drift website - content updates, live event streams, ad management and tracking, and everything on the backend. We're also helping to launch their all new e-commerce store which will go live later this week.

Anyway, Matt and Ryan and I stopped by the ID suite on Saturday and took in some of the action. Great weather, front row seats and all-you-can-eat hot dogs - 'nuff said. Anyway, you can check out more pictures of smoking tires and stuff at formulad.com
Shout out to The ID Agency for the work. And the hot dogs. And shout out to Spellman for programming his ass off last weekend making sure everything ran smoothly.
Anyway, super busy week coming up - shooting a few new videos. Follow along with all the action via Twitter - should be fun, trust me.