Quick trip out to Denver last week.
Matt and I touched down Monday night. Sam and Tayler were nice enough to come through and pick us, and all of our gear, up at the airport. We grabbed some dinner at a diner downtown and then went straight back to the hotel where Matt and I unpacked and prepped everything.

Woke up Tuesday morning and filmed a few exterior shots around Downtown Denver.

Then we headed over to the Forza Gym inside the Ritz-Carlton. This is gym where Carmelo used to train, back in the day. His logo, in Syracuse colors, and signature are ingrained at center court.

Anyway, we filmed a few scenes here for a small independent movie that's currently in the works.

Matt filming here with Zo Azubuike. Zo's brother Kelenna is a shooting guard in the NBA. He's actually the guy who Mark Cuban signed to replace Lamar Odom a couple weeks ago.

Tayler and Matt squeezed a workout in between scenes.

Then we wrapped the day up by heading to a high school just outside the city and filming with Anthony Tolliver from the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Both Anthony and Zo were really chill. We got to chat with them a bit about all aspects of the league and everything from Ricky Rubio's injury to the Mavericks' upcoming playoff picture.

Then we woke up before dawn on Wednesday and came home. Anyway, good trip for sure.
Meanwhile, we're staying busy back home. About to shoot a bunch of new stuff in next few days. Stay tuned.