So we backed this project on Kickstarter the other day.
Kickstarter, in case you live under a rock or whatever, is basically a crowd sourced online funding model for creative projects. I read about it in WIRED awhile back and I've checked out a ton of projects on the site but this was the first that I actually threw any money at.
The Classical will be a new website featuring content by some of the best sports writers in the country including our boy Lang Whitaker.
Long story short, when Matt and I launched the first Represent Kobe campaign back in 2009, Lang was writing The Links for SLAM magazine's site and he was the first (and one of the only) to shout out our project and throw us a link. He even put the image of the poster we designed on the homepage of Slamonline.com. He also gave us a link in his column for the 2010 edition of Rep Kobe as well.
I grew up reading SLAM since I was like 11 years old - so his support for our little street art project was always a big deal to me. Anyway, glad we could give back, in a small way, to something that he's involved with and definitely looking forward to the launch of The Classical.
If you want to support The Classical and get some Classical-related swag, you still have a couple of days before the funding period closes. After that, just look around Kickstarter and I'm sure you'll be able to find something to throw money behind.