So, Rep Kobe 2011 has been officially postponed.
The past couple years we've run a little street art project during the Lakers' playoff runs and put up posters of Kobe all over LA. ('09 campaign, '10 campaign) Anyway, this year we had a pretty decent concept, had put a lot of work into prepping everything and had it all slated to launch in the next couple weeks. Unfortunately the Lakers team perimeter defense did not cooperate.
Bottom line, we haven't scrapped the next iteration of Represent Kobe but we'll definitely have to reschedule it. Don't blame us - we're not the ones who made Pau Gasol's game disappear.

Nobody - including us - feels bad for the Lakers players but getting swept was not a good look for Phil Jackson. When I was a kid I was a big Chicago Bulls fan. My parents used to buy me all the Bulls Championship Videos on VHS and I'd watch them over and over. Some people try to take away from what Phil has done simply because he's coached incredible talent but those people don't understand anything about basketball. Even more impressive than his track record, I love his demeanor as a coach.

Phil has been around for my entire basketball watching life and it'll be weird to watch the NBA without him.