Everyone's talking about the former Governator.
I have my own personal little Arnold story. Back in 2003, when he was first running for office, Arnold came to Cal State Long Beach to campaign.
At the time I was sort of indifferent to the guy as a candidate. I was interested in hearing what he had to say but I also had a Graphic Design class at the time that I couldn't miss. So I decided to skip his speech but coincidentally the Police had sequestered Arnold in a classroom in the same building as where I was headed. As I entered into the hallway on the ground floor, Arnold was on his way out to address the students and we sort of ran into each other.
"Hey. So you're really going to run for Governor?"
"I'm not just going to run. I'm going to win" he told me at the time.
"Alright man. Good luck. Do your thing" I said.
He then smiled and walked out of the building into a massive sea of students. A few seconds later he got hit in the shoulder by an egg thrown by one of his early detractors. Arnold took it in stride.
I don't care about the dude's personal life but I think he did a weak job as Governor. In his speech that day he made a lot of promises particularly about education that he never got close to attempting to fulfill.
Anyway, that was it. It's all true - see for yourself. At the 0:13 second mark he gets hit by the egg. The rest of the video is sort of random/boring but at the 1:31 mark he makes a funny joke about bacon.
Someday they'll make the whole 0484 story into a blockbuster movie. It'll be real Forrest Gump-ish. George Clooney will play me. Matthew McConaughey will play Matt. Emile Hirsch will be Ryan and Spellman will be portrayed by Michael Cera.