Had to get get up before dawn this morning to catch a flight up to Seattle for some meetings.
Anyway - few random links via inflight WiFi.
New video from the kid Levi Maestro. It's got both Kevin Love and Diddy in it. Can't beat that.
My Blackberry was crashing a ton recently so I finally had to bite the bullet and grab an iPhone. The 4 is way better than my old 3G version but I still miss BBM and I'm now sending texts and e-mails with a ton of typos. Then RIM announced a new phone yesterday - this thing is a joke. It's the same tiny ass screen but with touch functionality. This looks like something that should've launched 2 years ago. I stuck with my Bold for awhile but honestly it had a ton of probs opening attachments, playing videos etc. and it was way slower than the iPhone4.
Cool company up in SanFran making iPad cases. Almost bought their iPhone backing but Matt convinced me I need something that covers the corners.
About to order one of these little cameras - bluetooth functionality lets you use your iPhone as a live viewfinder. It's like a GoPro on steroids.
BTW, our Super Bracket Leaderboard's been updated. Disappointed about last night's Laker game. From the looks of things it's going to be Atlanta and Memphis in the Finals this year. Very happy for D.Rose though - kid definitely deserves it.
Pics from Seattle coming soon. Stay tuned...