

I still have a rolodex.

It's old school - I know. I don't use it a ton but I still enjoy having it around sometimes. Found a bunch of unfiled cards lying around the other day. Here are a few of the more interesting ones.

Letterpressed cards for some recycled surfboard charity art project. Printed on super thick recycled chip board. Cards like these are super expensive to print.

Our boy Comer from Rogue Status. This guy went to high school with Matt and I and was in the same graphic design program a couple years ahead of us. Now he designs for RS and works with some of the same agencies we do. Ran into him randomly a couple years back. Very proud to know this guy.

Jerm from Cal State Long Beach. Cool photo kid I went to school with. Currently up at Art Center killing it in one of the Masters programs. Love the simplicity of this card - such a dope little screen graphic.

We designed these cards (back shown here) a few years back along with the guys at The ID Agency. Hard to tell here but these are foil stamped and have spot UV over only the wheel to make them glossy. These cards were not cheap to print.

This card's printed on a flexible metal-like paper. This is for a place up in Hollywood where they flash freeze ice cream made-to-order. Stuff was pretty good as I remember. Thought this thing was going to catch on Coldstone-style but apparently that has yet to happen.

My boy Gee who I play ball with. Was wondering why this kid always wore brand new gear to the gym. Then I found out he works for Crooks. Cool cards - little AmEx theme. Blind embossing on the serial numbers is a nice touch.

Vintage Gabe Yeh Design card. Before Matt. Before Ryan and Spellman. Before Rep Kobe and the NBA Bracket contests. Before the fame and fortune and tabloid rumors - it was just me. And an iBook.



Random cam phone pic from last week.

I usually don't mess with vertical photos too much - never post them to the blog. But come on, for this one I had to do it.

Hit me up if you want the image to use as your Official 0484 iPhone wallpaper. Or the giant poster size version for that matter :)

Have a good weekend.

P.S. New Weezy single - How to Love - from The Carter IV. Thank me later.



Few flicks from last week.

Ryan looking real Miami Viceish

Shot a wakeboarding video while we were out there.

At this moment Matthew was driving the boat and Ryan was shooting with a waterproof camera while our boy Brian jumped over his head. Originally I was going to be doing all the crazy wakeboard stunts but someone had to take these photos for the blog.

All Plaid Everything

Great week. Amazing weather. Most importantly, way fewer mosquitoes than last summer.



The whole crew flew out to the Cheese State for the weekend.

Decided to step my blog photo game up and use the 7D a little bit.

More flicks to come. Enjoy your weekend. Stay tuned.



Everyone's talking about the former Governator.

I have my own personal little Arnold story. Back in 2003, when he was first running for office, Arnold came to Cal State Long Beach to campaign.

At the time I was sort of indifferent to the guy as a candidate. I was interested in hearing what he had to say but I also had a Graphic Design class at the time that I couldn't miss. So I decided to skip his speech but coincidentally the Police had sequestered Arnold in a classroom in the same building as where I was headed. As I entered into the hallway on the ground floor, Arnold was on his way out to address the students and we sort of ran into each other.

"Hey. So you're really going to run for Governor?"
"I'm not just going to run. I'm going to win" he told me at the time.
"Alright man. Good luck. Do your thing" I said.

He then smiled and walked out of the building into a massive sea of students. A few seconds later he got hit in the shoulder by an egg thrown by one of his early detractors. Arnold took it in stride.

I don't care about the dude's personal life but I think he did a weak job as Governor. In his speech that day he made a lot of promises particularly about education that he never got close to attempting to fulfill.

Anyway, that was it. It's all true - see for yourself. At the 0:13 second mark he gets hit by the egg. The rest of the video is sort of random/boring but at the 1:31 mark he makes a funny joke about bacon.

Someday they'll make the whole 0484 story into a blockbuster movie. It'll be real Forrest Gump-ish. George Clooney will play me. Matthew McConaughey will play Matt. Emile Hirsch will be Ryan and Spellman will be portrayed by Michael Cera.



Few flicks from this week.

Our boy Sami recently started working at law firm downtown. Went by and grabbed lunch with him at Mendocino Farms. Cool place - good sandwiches. Met with another attorney at his firm after and discussed their website and online presence.

View from Sami's office. 27th floor. Not bad.

Got a handful of MOCA tickets in the mail. I still need to go see that Street Art Exhibit.

Ryan came by earlier in the week and brought a bunch of new camera gear with him. This new ThinkTank bag is pretty legit - zippers lock the compartments shut and cable locks make it possible to anchor the bag somewhere. Should come in handy.

Grabbed lunch the other day with our boy Tim from Barton Perreira. Stopped by his office afterwards and got to see some of the stuff they're up to. This is one of their new lookbooks - that's Giovanni Ribisi shot by Tim atop a helipad in downtown LA.

Custom laser-etched Moleskine Pocket Notebooks. Really nicely done.

Alright, got to get some things done in the next couple days. We leave for Wisconsin on Wednesday.

P.S. I haven't downloaded any decent music in forever but this isn't bad. (And I don't even usually like DJ Khaled). Download - Drake - I'm On One



So, Rep Kobe 2011 has been officially postponed.

The past couple years we've run a little street art project during the Lakers' playoff runs and put up posters of Kobe all over LA. ('09 campaign, '10 campaign) Anyway, this year we had a pretty decent concept, had put a lot of work into prepping everything and had it all slated to launch in the next couple weeks. Unfortunately the Lakers team perimeter defense did not cooperate.

Bottom line, we haven't scrapped the next iteration of Represent Kobe but we'll definitely have to reschedule it. Don't blame us - we're not the ones who made Pau Gasol's game disappear.

Nobody - including us - feels bad for the Lakers players but getting swept was not a good look for Phil Jackson. When I was a kid I was a big Chicago Bulls fan. My parents used to buy me all the Bulls Championship Videos on VHS and I'd watch them over and over. Some people try to take away from what Phil has done simply because he's coached incredible talent but those people don't understand anything about basketball. Even more impressive than his track record, I love his demeanor as a coach.

Phil has been around for my entire basketball watching life and it'll be weird to watch the NBA without him.



Went up to Seattle this week.

Bunch of meetings over the course of a few days. Really nice views from the building we were working from in Downtown.

Weather was actually decent most of the time - about 57ยบ and sort of sunny. I didn't really think about it much but everywhere we went people were thrilled and celebrating what they referred to as the 'best weather all year!'.

Mayflower Park Hotel. Inside the same building as those offices above we were working out of - can't beat that.

Streets of Seattle.

Seattle Public Library.

10 stories tall. Super futuristic and eco-friendly. One of the nicest libraries in the country.

Forget Pike Place Market - I don't eat seafood anyway. So I walked the other way on Pike street and went up to GOODS and the Stussy store.

The last Stussy and BAPE collab varsity jacket they had in stock. Fit perfect but it was $850 (yikes).

Went up to Coinstar and RedBox HQ Wednesday morning and met with the CFO. Very cool, super nice guy. They had a giant antique change counting contraption in one of the hallways - I think it might've been the first ever Coinstar machine. Wanted to snag a picture but security inside was sort of strict.

Anyway, good week. Worked on a few cool projects that I'll hopefully get to blog about soon.



Had to get get up before dawn this morning to catch a flight up to Seattle for some meetings.

Anyway - few random links via inflight WiFi.

New video from the kid Levi Maestro. It's got both Kevin Love and Diddy in it. Can't beat that.

My Blackberry was crashing a ton recently so I finally had to bite the bullet and grab an iPhone. The 4 is way better than my old 3G version but I still miss BBM and I'm now sending texts and e-mails with a ton of typos. Then RIM announced a new phone yesterday - this thing is a joke. It's the same tiny ass screen but with touch functionality. This looks like something that should've launched 2 years ago. I stuck with my Bold for awhile but honestly it had a ton of probs opening attachments, playing videos etc. and it was way slower than the iPhone4.

Cool company up in SanFran making iPad cases. Almost bought their iPhone backing but Matt convinced me I need something that covers the corners.

About to order one of these little cameras - bluetooth functionality lets you use your iPhone as a live viewfinder. It's like a GoPro on steroids.

BTW, our Super Bracket Leaderboard's been updated. Disappointed about last night's Laker game. From the looks of things it's going to be Atlanta and Memphis in the Finals this year. Very happy for D.Rose though - kid definitely deserves it.

Pics from Seattle coming soon. Stay tuned...