Our new Playoff Bracket Challenge is up and running.
For the longest time, all of our friends used to fill out brackets on paper and we'd all try to compete over who could predict the NBA Playoffs. It made no sense to me that everyone in America fills out a March Madness bracket when no one even watches college ball while NBA playoff brackets are almost non-existent.
So a few years ago we did some tinkering in Flash and created this bracket for our friends and family. We'll send the winner an $84 gift card to Chipotle. Plus, this year's bracket is way more legit - there's a public Leaderboard so you can see how you're doing at all times and view your friends' brackets and ridicule them for their awful picks.
Fill yours out today. Monday was the original deadline but we'll probably take entries until midday Wednesday. Feel free to share the link with all your tweoples - the more the merrier.

We bit the bullet and made finally made a company facebook page. Yes, we're aware we're the last people on earth to do this. I won't get into all the pros and cons of 'social media' at the moment but let's just call this an experiment and we'll see how it goes. At the very least if it drives a couple people to this blog then it's safe to say we'll have tripled our readership.

0484 tweets. The CliffsNotes version of our blog. Enjoy.