This is Nadav.
Every once in a while Matt and I will joke around about how nobody reads this blog and how dismal the traffic is despite having consistently updated it for the past year and a half. To be honest, not only is traffic not ramping up at a significant clip, I feel like we may be losing readership. People I know - the very few childhood friends and blood relatives of ours who I envision as our 'core readership' - frequently say to me 'Oh yeah, your blog! I forgot about that thing.'
But then, a few months ago, Matt and I got this e-mail:
Hey Guys,
My name is Nadav Mor, I'm a 26 year old Israeli living and working in Berlin, Germany.
I'm a marketing master's student here, doing an internship at Coca-Cola Germany in the online/digital field.
I just wanted to drop you guys a line and say that I'm a loyal visitor to the site and reader of the blog. I found it through Lang at SLAM when he wrote about the REPRESENT Project... and since I'm the (self-proclaimed) biggest Laker fan in Europe, I got hooked right away.
I found out about Maestro Knows through you guys. A few of his videos were filmed here in Berlin, and, being inspired, I got in touch of the people he hung out with in the videos and over time they become my good friends.
Anyway, keep doing what you guys are doing, and I will definitely keep reading the blog and visiting the site.
I was as surprised as you are - trust me. The fact that he found out about Maestro Knows/Levi Maestro through us is funny to me. Levi is actually pretty big in the blogosphere so there's some irony there.
Anyway, Matt and I shipped him a Rep Kobe shirt and a few posters and thanked him for his support. It would be both time and cost prohibitive for some, Levi for example, to package and ship gifts like this to all of their supporters.
This is the advantage of only having one fan. Thanks Nadav.
Nadav recently e-mailed us this picture of himself at MADE Space in Berlin - they have color changing lights there in case you were wondering.