Went up to Santa Barbara last weekend for Daniel's wedding.
Back in Lompoc, where Matt and I grew up, this was basically the most anticipated wedding of all time. Matt and I were just lucky to be invited. We flew in from Daytona Saturday morning just in time for the rehearsal which lasted all day and had a guest list larger than most people's actual weddings.

Sunday breakfast. There were 12 groomsmen (not kidding) so this was only half of the table.

Josh (and Ryan) were in charge of the wedding video.

Pre-game prep.

It rained all day Saturday and then Sunday it looked like this.

Robert - aka Fonzworth Bentley - shielding Daniel from the paparazzi and helicopter TV cameras that tried to get a glimpse of the Wedding of the Century.

Poppin' bottles.

Anyway, good wedding - charming, heart warming, etc etc. Daniel and Karen are now in Europe for a couple weeks which basically just means that I have no one to talk about Fantasy Basketball with.

Late Sunday night, after the wedding, a bunch of us went to Freebirds. One of these just opened in LA recently and there were some crazy lines outside but this one in Isla Vista is the original. In fact, this was really basically Chipotle before Chipotle.

Last thing before leaving SB, grabbed lunch with my mom on Monday at Palazzio on State Street.