Sprayed a few crates over the weekend.
We actually ordered these stencils laser-cut from a place online but they didn't get them to us on time. Luckily, in college, I once worked as a Studio Assistant at a design firm in Santa Monica where my only role was hand cutting and mocking up Power Ranger toy boxes.

Which is all just to say that I'm fairly ill with an X-acto knife so I sliced these up by hand pretty effortlessly. No big deal.

These crates are on their way to Vegas for the National Finals Rodeo.

Matt and Ryan were gone so I dragged my cousin with me to help out. Also Shannon from Iron Horse came through around midnight and brought us some Snickers bars which definitely helped.

12 crates; 48 total impressions. Wish I'd got a shot of all of them together before they got shipped.

I guess that just means we'll have to head to Vegas ourselves.