Went out to Mooresville, North Carolina last week to get a few things done.

We're working on a video project with our boy Tayler Malsam so that was first on the list. In case you didn't know, basically all the NASCAR drivers live in Mooresville, which is just outside Charlotte. So we spent a couple days out there and shot a lot of stuff at the Randy Moss Motorsports garage, Tayler's team's headquarters.

Honestly, I'm not even sure what parts of the car these really are

Tayler pretending to work out

Half this room was filled with old tires. Such a great background, in hindsight I wish we'd taken pictures of us in front of these. We could've thrown them on our site - made us look tough.

Couple shots of Lancaster's BBQ. This place is so NASCAR-ed out it's crazy.

Ate inside the bus. Pretty cool spot.
Since we hate working on just 20 things at once, we ended up shooting a television commercial out there on Wednesday for Iron Horse Jeans. Turnaround time was honestly ridiculous. We cast this model last Tuesday. Thought of the concept for the ad 15 minutes before the shoot. Came home this weekend and edited the spot in 1 day. Found a voiceover guy for the narration online. Shipped the final edit to Charter on Tuesday of this week. Anyway, I'll post it up here for all you kids to see sometime next week.

She's cute and was easy to work with. She's 17. No further comment at this time.
Few stills we took from the commercial shoot setup. We'll probably use some of these in Iron Horse's print campaigns starting next year. These are unretouched - click to enlarge.

Anyway, we took these last Wednesday - Thursday morning we woke up and flew to Miami. Pictures coming soon.