Woke up at dawn and drove up to downtown LA the other day.
Traffic was awful of course but I'm just glad I don't have a job or I'm sure I'd have to sit through that way more often.

So I went up to see the man himself, Seth Godin. Who Seth is and what he does is sort of hard to describe. His bio makes it sounds like he's a business writer or marketing expert. In real life he's a lot more than just that and what he says is relevant to everyone - not just business marketing people. I don't remember how I originally heard about him but I've been reading his blog and books for a few years now.

This guy is the truth. He's easily one of the most well known business thinkers alive today - but his popularity is deceiving. Seth is known and revered by a select few who know what is up but to the rest of the business world or general public he's pretty much unknown.

Here's the bottom line about Seth and why what he has to say is so relevant and insightful: The world has changed so quickly in such a short period of time that nothing now is the same as it was for our parents, let alone our grandparents.
And yet people are still living their lives and making their biggest decisions - education, jobs, financial management, career choices - based upon thinking that's extremely outdated. If you know that the entire world has changed and you recognize that whatever worked for your parents and grandparents has nothing to do with how the world currently operates then you start to look for someone who understands these changes and can point you in the right direction. Meet Seth.