Stopped by the new JTW & Co office today.
We've been working with these guys a lot lately. Anyway, they recently moved units within their same building - their new space is nice, spacious, vaulted ceilings, really good modern/industrial type feel.
I stopped by to chat with John, their Principal (he's the "JTW" portion of the company name) about a couple upcoming projects and some things that are in the works. Good meeting - quick, concise, but productive. Effective communication is priceless.
Over the course of no more than about 20 minutes, we talked about (amongst other things): the internet, Mahalo (this site is wack - in fact I shouldn't of even hyperlinked it), aggregators, TweetDeck, NYT Skimmer, a recent Fast Company music industry article, the Japanese firm Information Architects, Supertouch, Omnigraffle, Alltop, Hypebeast, the iPad, and the WIRED iPad app.
Then John bounced and caught a flight to Washington and I drove to Jamba Juice.
When I was on the Fast Company site 20 minutes ago, I stumbled across this video I'd almost forgot about. It's a guy who got famous off of a wine vlog, ranting about what to do with your life, how the internet is changing everything, hustling and building brand equity. I first saw this video a couple years ago when it debuted online. But that was back in the pre-NoBizPlan days, because I remember I had to manually e-mail the link to everyone and tell them "Watch this thing - it will change your life". Anyway, check it out - or ignore it and go back to updating your Facebook status, your choice. No hard feelings either way.
Skip the intro and start paying attention at the 0:40 second mark. It's only about 15 minutes long. If you're watching this while at work, don't trip. After hearing Gary's message, you're going to quit your job anyway, so it's all good.
"If you want this... If you want to buy the jets, if you want to do shit - work. That's how you get it."