Went home for a couple days.
Well actually I went to Ruchir's house. He's got a tennis court in his backyard but we couldn't actually play because he hurt his knee last week and I fractured a rib playing basketball. (Technically Matt doesn't believe that my rib is actually broken (no visible bruise), but I think I know how to use WebMD - it's not like I'm not going to misdiagnose myself)
So I simply worked from his place while he studied for the Medical Board Exams for 12 hours a day for a couple days.

Thursday he went to get an MRI on his knee. I asked the tech if we could take a quick scan of my ribcage as well but, just like Matt, he seemed to think I was just joking or something.

Looks like a torn meniscus to me but we'll see what the orthopedic surgeon has to say

Meanwhile Matty built a surfboard down in San Diego.

He wanted to point out that he built this whole board in 2 days - record time. While I wanted to point out that those 2 days happened to be right in the middle of the work week. Priorities, priorities...