Worked at the Iron Horse office on Friday.
They just received samples of a new signature jean we're working on that was made specifically for Matt and I. Sort of.
We asked them to make a new fit for us about a month ago. Figured we'd have some pull since we helped build the brand from scratch. We were wrong. They temporarily shelved the idea and told us to wait until next season.
But then they signed on to endorse that NASCAR kid a few weeks ago and he requested a jean exactly like the one Matt and I wanted to have made. So all of the sudden this new fit became a priority. We helped spec some of the finishing details a couple weeks ago and these samples arrived the other day.

For first run samples, they came out really well. Matt and I both wore these jeans home for the rest of the day. Really comfortable, good fit, nice washes. Might seem like a no-brainer that we'd wear whatever Iron Horse made since we work so closely with them - it's not. We worked for another denim company a couple years back and I never, once, wore a pair of their jeans. (But then again, I'm sort of picky about certain things, so....)
David Ogilvy preached that it's essential for advertising professionals to use the products of the companies that they work for. But, then again, Ogilvy worked for clients like Rolls-Royce, so it's not like that was much of a sacrifice for him.

Renee is the fashion designer at Iron Horse. I saw that Kobe poster behind her desk a few weeks ago and said 'Hey, thanks throwing that up there. I know it must have been hard for you to do since you're a Suns fan.'
She said, 'I didn't. Matt and Ryan hung that up there last time they were here.'
I said, 'Oh. Wow - you really didn't have to tell me that.' Then I think she just felt bad which is probably why it's still there.

Shot of the buildout they're doing at the new Iron Horse offices.