Finally sifted through all the pics from New Orleans.
A lot of these photos are mine but some are Ryan's - not like you care but I promised him a photo credit.

Weather the first day was nuts. We drove out to this place called Middendorf's which is right on the water. With the wind chill it was freezing. I'm not really cut out for freezing.

Went to see Jason Marsalis and his boys play some jazz at Snug Harbor.

People down there are serious about sports, like extra serious. Everyone was wearing Saints shirts. In fact someone told us that after they won the Super Bowl, a lot of people took 2 weeks off of work to celebrate.

This is Mister Larry (that's how they refer to everyone in the South). Anyway, he took care of us and showed us around while we stayed down there.

Mister Larry owns a giant Drapery empire. This is a shot of us touring his warehouse.

People eat these crawfish all the time. Not Matt and I, but other weird seafood eating people.

The legendary Camellia Grill. Good spot for lunch.

Had an hour to kill before dinner one night. Decided to play some craps. In Vegas we call Ryan "GoldenArm". Here are 1,500 reasons why.

Dinner at Mother's. Best baked ham in the world. So says the sign out front, Joe Montana, Johnnie Cochran and The Crocodile Hunter.

And finally, handling some business back at the mobile office.