Thursday at 5PM - Mark from Iron Horse Jeans called and said they were invited to be a part of an Academy Awards gift suite on Saturday morning.
Their participation at the event didn't get confirmed until the last minute, so basically Matt and I had to throw a few things together for them in about 36 hours. Thursday night we started making some plans. I hit up my boy Jordan and asked him to come out and work the event with us - sort of host the video that we were going to shoot - but unfortunately he was out of town.
Friday morning I rented all the film and camera equipment we needed.

Meanwhile Matt hit the stationery store to grab a few things.

And I swung by Target to pick up some other stuff we needed. None of which were adorable Easter baskets but no one visits a blog to look at pictures of 9-volt batteries.
Spent most of the day on conference calls working out details and designing signs and materials for the event.
Friday afternoon - Got these new Air Max 1's in the mail. Totally irrelevant to the event preparation but I thought they were worth mentioning nonetheless.

Friday around midnight, Matt came up to my house. He and I, and a few strangers with various personality disorders, went to Kinkos around 1AM to print a few last things.

We printed some legit matching gold and silver envelopes as well but I didn't get a picture of those for some reason.
Anyway, went to sleep at 3AM Saturday and then woke up at 6 to head out to LA. (Right, we only slept for 3 hours - it was like a nap. Like a really crappy nap.)

Newport Beach at dawn

The event was at the Universal Studios backlot.

I went on a field trip to this Technicolor lab, which is also located on the Universal premises, when I was in school. They sat us in a dark room and showed us advanced color correction techniques and some other fancy stuff. In fact a couple of my friends from school currently work here, not me, but others from my class who didn't fall asleep as soon as they turned the lights off on our field trip.

Anyway, I'll throw some pictures from the actual event up later this week.