Matt, Ryan and I woke up at 4AM and flew back home.
Landed at LAX around 9 and drove back to Newport. Dropped some stuff off at my place and then headed straight to Chipotle.

Went by Paper Source at South Coast Plaza to pick up a couple things for work.

Then we printed a few million things over at Kinko's.

Grabbed some equipment from Samy's.
Around 4PM we drove back through LA traffic up to the Burbank Marriott.

We shot a video for Iron Horse Jeans inside the hotel.
Wrapped the shoot around 7, then drove back to downtown.

Hit up the ID Agency Open House. We used to have an office with these guys in Long Beach. It was good to see all the old crew and their new place. Plus we ran into our boy Matt from Rogue Status.

Went back through Studio City, picked up some takeout on Ventura Blvd. and crashed back at the Marriott around midnight. All in all it felt like a pretty productive 18-hour day.

Woke up early and went out and worked at an event with Iron Horse all day.

Hung out with Matt Leinart,...

... Scott Baio,...

... and Tamra from The Real Housewives of Orange County amongst a few others.

Afterwards we grabbed dinner at that new Culver City BJ's and unfortunately caught the Thunder's dismantling of the Lakers.