

Matt and I met up in Vegas this weekend and were thinking about getting some work done.

But then we brought 14 of our closest friends and decided to take a couple days off instead.

Of course we stayed at the best hotel and casino in the whole world that's 2 miles south of the Strip

I'd love to show you guys a bunch of crazy pictures of all the ridiculous Vegas partying and such, but this is our company blog and we have a professional reputation to maintain. So, if you want to see them, you'll have to check out my or Matt's personal Facebook pages.

Oh that's right, we don't have Facebook pages. So, anyway...


This is a sign with Matt's favorite fighter on it - in front of a store that has something to do with nipples apparently

Deli inside Mandalay Bay. Where else can you get an $18 turkey sandwich?

On Saturday, Matt dragged us got us tickets to UFC 109. Yes!

The following few photos courtesy of some geeked out UFC fansite

This was one of the better fights (of the 3 that I didn't sleep through). Seemed a bit bloody at first but Matt assured me that it's all special effects and makeup like the movies, which made me feel much better.

And despite what it looks like, this charming young man was actually the winner.

Finally, in the Main Event, the 50-year old gentleman on the left choked out this other 50-year dude in bike shorts and everyone cheered. Hooray for unconsciousness!


Anyway, last but not least, thanks to that kid at the Craps table
in the Gumby t-shirt at 4AM Sunday morning who rolled all those Hard Eights and made the whole trip possible. You're my hero.