My boy Ruchir e-mailed me this article yesterday about this kid out at Harvard who is living my dream.
My other dream, that is, besides the one about being a graphic designer and getting to boss Matt around.
Anyway, this kid Jeremy Lin has a cool story and he's been in the press a lot lately - I read about him in TIME a couple weeks ago. Really good all-around Senior guard who may lead Harvard to their first tournament berth in a million years this season.
Watching Lin play is basically the closest NBA scouts can get to visualizing what my game would look like if only I was 5" taller. The ESPN article doesn't state that verbatim, but sometimes you have to read between the lines.
Anyway, all the legit D1 coaches say that he has NBA level talent, but due to stereotypes his chances of being drafted are sort of slim. Meanwhile the Golden State Warriors just picked up Coby Karl out of nowhere last week and of course the Lakers pay this guy $5 mil a year for absolutely nothing - so obviously the system is a bit flawed.