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Flew back out to Vegas for the Magic Fashion Tradeshow on Tuesday.

Walked the show with the crew from Iron Horse Jeans.

The objective was just to see what everyone in the industry is up to - basically market research and looking for inspiration for where we want to go with their Spring 2011 collection.

Magic is broken up into a million different sections in separate rooms at separate convention centers - and from what I've heard, it's way smaller and less extravagant now than in years past before everyone in the industry went broke. Anyway, we walked the Sourcing show for awhile and spoke to a bunch of manufacturers.


Saw these awesome knit hats - they had a Cookie Monster one that I wanted to buy Matt but we all know he wouldn't wear it since he hates fun.

Matt couldn't make it so he stayed home and worked and I ended up gambling with this guy instead. He told me his name was "Boogie Down" but everyone at our Craps table just called him "Ice-T".

This is the picture I message I sent to Matt at 3:30AM

Just before dawn I decided to roll the dice one more time and then head upstairs. Over the course of about 20 minutes, I hit a bunch of hard eights and hard sixes in a row and made $1,000. I'm thinking about writing a book about Craps strategy - it'll be titled Dice Control.

Anyway, I've got a ton of work to do and a big meeting tomorrow morning. Part 2 of the Vegas recap coming soon.