

Had to get a little drug test done at a lab in Tustin today.

It was about as glamorous as it sounds. Basically there's a potential freelance project next month that would require me to work onsite at one of the client's LA offices and apparently they require drug tests from all vendors and employees.

Anyway, sort of an odd experience. The lab tech was super OCD and excessively thorough. I get that that's the nature of her job and everything, but she really acted like she thought I was Lance Armstrong and that the results of my test would make worldwide headlines or something.

I also signed about 20 pages of paperwork including corporate Whistle Blower policies, Ethics guidelines and, my personal favorite, a Violence in the Workplace memo which basically advised against bringing weapons and explosives into their offices if at all possible.

Anyway, when we hire our next Junior Designer, or the Personal Chef/Masseuse/Sneaker Cleaner that I've been telling Matt we really need to have, I'm going to have to keep all these nifty HR practices in mind.